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No Excuses Winter Cardio Jump Rope Workout

My last post discussed the best way to stay motivated to do training runs indoors on a treadmill this winter.

If you don’t have access to a treadmill, an inexpensive, portable jump rope that can be used almost anywhere might be the answer. Jumping rope is an excellent way to burn calories quickly, and it will help you increase – or maintain – your cardiovascular fitness when the weather doesn’t permit outdoor activities like running and biking.

Here’s the low down on the benefits from a jump rope workout:

You don’t have to spend an hour jumping a rope to reap the rewards. A 15 to 20 minute workout will burn off the calories found in a candy bar (not that we’re eating those) according to Web MD.

Jumping utilizes a number of different muscle groups, strengthening both the upper and lower body.

While there is some impact on the knees and hips, it is less stressful to the body than jogging.

You can do a quick jump rope workout almost anywhere. You do not need  gym membership or access to expensive fitness equipment to workout this winter.

Jump roping is second to none for building strong bones.

Jump rope workouts will improve your agility and hand-to-eye coordination and well as your balance.

Think Jumping Rope is Boring?

A jump rope workout doesn’t have to be boring. There are plenty of ways to add variety to this type of workout. As always, you can count on YouTube to provide a different jump rope workout for each day of the week.

A good one to start with is this 10 Minute Jump Rope Workout from Popsugar. Don’t worry if you mess up. You probably haven’t jumped rope for some time and it’s like everything else. It just takes a little practice to get back in the swing of it.


Purchasing The Best Jump Rope

When you go to purchase a jump rope make sure you get one that is the proper length for you. To determine the perfect length, stand on the center of the cord. The handle tips should reach your armpits. When you rotate the rope for the jump, the rope should brush the floor under your feet. If it doesn’t, the rope is too short.

There are different styles of ropes; beaded, speed, freestyle and cord. If you are purchasing your rope from a sporting goods store you can ask an employee to help you select the best rope. Check out for more information about how to choose a rope. They have ropes for sale at this site as well.

No Excuses This Winter!

A jump rope workout is the perfect way to stay fit this winter. Keeping your jump rope handy eliminates one more excuse for not getting in a good cardio workout several times a week.


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